window, Linux or Mac?

What is the best overall OS?

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New Member
What is the best OS to use for Web Design and Programing?

I personally use Linux Fedora, but let me know what you use! :)

I am at home at win7 for web designing and programming, it's user friendly and it's easy to fix if there's minor problems.


New Member
I use windows for programming because its easy to code on it, there are also many software programs to create applications and they request windows.



New Member
windows blows. unfortunately I'm forced to use it since I have an optimus graphics card and want reasonable battery life. When I switched back from os x to windows I was blown away by how long it takes to log in and how non intuitive using the operating system is. Linux is great if you want complete control over your system and is very stable, but if you like installing new programs, its dangerous to use it as your main system since its easy to wreck it.


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Staff member
I used to use windows almost exclusively for web development. Now I use it just for audio related stuff. so now its snow leopard for all things web related.
I use windows and linux for cross browser testing only.