I really would like you to review my new web portfolio


New Member
Very nice portfolio. I suggest you add more to it to attract potential customers. Keep up the good work!


New Member
Very nice portfolio. I suggest you add more to it to attract potential customers. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much! I'll add some more works soon. One more question I forgot to mention..as u may understood i'm not English mother tongue (i'm italian)..do you think (or anyone else) that the english text is ok, i mean..current?

Thanks for your time



New Member
Great site!!! I really like what you've done.

To answer your question, the English is a little off, but not TERRIBLE by any means, so I wouldn't really worry about it too much. The only thing I notice is that English is obviously not your native tongue, but that's it.

May I move to Italy and work for your company??!?! :)

Great job!


New Member
The team and the website look really cool :) The English could be better, take this as an example:
You have:

It's the passion for design, graphics, the internet and new technologies that always push us on going further, on learning new techniques, and it makes us want to offer the best service possible for you and your company, whatever it might be,
don't underrate the value of your corporate image.

I would suggest:

It's the passion for design, graphics and the internet that drive us beyond the known frontiers of technology to provide you and your company with the best service possible. Your corporate image is everything, do not under value it.

But that's just me, you might be able to do better.


New Member
Very nice!

I would tighten up the space in the header a bit but other than that I think it's very unique.


New Member
The site looks cool. I would suggest breaking up the portfolio to 3 separate sections. Also, the pop up windows were taking a long time to load and I am running at super fast on the internet, just something I noticed. Maybe you can add a scroll bar once the pop out window is up.


New Member
The team and the website look really cool :) The English could be better, take this as an example:
You have:

I would suggest:

But that's just me, you might be able to do better.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH BIGRED! I never expected you guys to help me that much..that sounds waaay better! I hope you don't mind I already have changed that part exactly with the one you wrote (I wanted to add something or to change it a lil bit but i was afraid to ruin it :eek:) Really, thank you again.

Thank you very much for your words, sure you can come in Italy and work with us..but only if you enjoy working for the glory (=for free) for a few years :D

Thank you I will consider that..actually i wanted to give a clean e kinda minimal look to the website, and to the top menu in particular, that's why there's a lot of blank space and white just before the dark grey header. Anyway maybe it's too much, i will consider reducing it.

Thanks! The concept of the page itself consists exactly on keeping the whole website in one single page, but breaking up the portfolio in 3 parts makes the page really too long, I will figure out some better solution.
About the pop-ups..i noticed they get a lil slow in IE (of course), but not on other browsers, what browser did you use? This is a main issue very important to me, i want it to be fast and confortable to the user, did you find it annoying?

Bye! :)


New Member
I like your website, but I'm also going to offer a good number of suggestions.

The site took a really long time to load. I'm not sure if it's because of your server location, but maybe you should look into that?

I agree with bcee - the header does look really bare. At first, I thought it was like that because the site was still loading, but it's just the way the header is. It almost looks as if something is missing or didn't show up (which is why I thought it was still loading). I think you should definitely reduce the space, especially so people with smaller screen sizes can see that there's more content underneath :]

The font that you used looks very choppy on my screen and it's pretty hard to read. It has a really bad quality and is not smooth at all - Maybe you should change it to a web-safe font until all browsers are completely up to date on embedding new fonts?

I think the sub-headers (the company, how we can help) are too small and do not really catch people's attentions. It seems like the hierarchy is kind of off because the sub-headers are smaller than the body text.

I get that you're trying to go for a minimalistic look but I feel like the website is a little bit too white. Sometimes, especially with the card-cutout looking things on links and nav, I'm not really sure where different contents end and begin. It all seems to blend in with each other. It might be better to make the shadows for the cutouts a little bigger, so that people can distinguish the rectangular shape better :]

The contact us form field and buttons are too light. I can hardly see the get in touch on the submit button. I had to tilt my screen back or put my face really close to the monitor to see - partly because my eyesight is kind of crappy. But some of your clients might have crappy eyesights too.

I realize I just picked your website apart and you might think I hate it, but I think it is really pretty. I love your footer and team portions. You might not agree with all my suggestions but I think you should consider them.

Okay, I think I'm done!


New Member
TurinDesign.net wrote:

THANK YOU VERY MUCH BIGRED! I never expected you guys to help me that much..that sounds waaay better! I hope you don't mind I already have changed that part exactly with the one you wrote (I wanted to add something or to change it a lil bit but i was afraid to ruin it ) Really, thank you again.

No problem at all, feel free to use that text. Thanks for the feedback, glad to have helped. Also feel free to check out the forum on my signature link where I will also be dropping in to do free site reviews Good Luck.:)
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