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  1. Z

    Recently launched

    Nicely made, I like design. It is clean and those blue colors are great :) You should make more dramatic start page tough. Those big image on start page is too generic.
  2. Z

    design is final

    Oh dear God ... you really like those CSS3 transitions huh ? And look at those colors, so much colors and all of them are high contrast.Honestly, I don't like it but it is just me. I actually don't like any websites with dark theme.
  3. Z

    Dog treat site and online store

    You are right, second one I don't like. It is too generic and not specially interesting. First website I like tough, altough there is space for improvements. I didn't like silver background, and honestly there is too much graphics there.
  4. Z

    Extremely New - Request

    You should first learn HTML and CSS, after that little bit of javascript. Finally you can move to some server language like ASP.NET or PHP. They generate HTML which browser displays. Take time to learn new technologies, It is not something you learn in a week. To be good designer takes...
  5. Z

    which screen size and resolution should i prefer?

    I check for screen width of 1024px which gives me 970px width of space for web site. And that is more than enough for any web page you need.
  6. Z

    IXWebHosting ?

    Are they really that horrible ?
  7. Z

    Can I please have some reviews for these logo designs.

    I like last logo (on your first post). Two doors with text inside them. Your later logo is kinda crappy.
  8. Z

    New site please review with feedback

    not bad, just get rid of those background image which distracts and please ... red on black is horrible and painful for eyes! Too big contrast ! You should add red and black colors only on small portions (just like designing home interior)
  9. Z

    General design of this website

    Oh yeah well ... It gets better with time :) :) Looks like crap, honestly - but you will get better and better with time and practice. Keep up the good work and enthusiasm!
  10. Z

    Personal Web design - what do you think?

    nicely made ! Good job sir ;-)
  11. Z

    Working practices with / without CSS3

    CSS3 is mostly supported in all modern browsers. If it's not supported graceful degradation will occurr. I don't see any problem here. I prefer using CSS3 rather than creating graphics in Photoshop. Much, much easier.