Wrap Your Brain In A Blanket


New Member
OMG, I think I need therapy now. Maybe I needed it before. Oh heck I am so confused now.

Pretty nice effects regardless.


New Member
OMG, I think I need therapy now. Maybe I needed it before. Oh heck I am so confused now.

You think we could get a group discount?

The links are cool, I just don't know what to think about them.


New Member
I wonder, or rather suspect, that in the near future, web pages will require not only the technically accomplished to make them work, but the collaboration of the pure artist to give them life. It’s going to be an interesting clash of two worlds, that’s for sure.

Can’t you just see web pages scripted, like movies? Web pages produced by the major studios, directed by Oscar winning (web) directors and featuring major Hollywood (web) talent? And costing about as much as a movie to make?

Maybe having pages to open with a credits roll like the movies have would be too much over the top, but who knows? “… And this year’s Oscar for the best web page design goes to….” Hey, that doesn't sound too weird anymore.

Put another way; are the days of the "ordinary" web page numbered?