Wordpress Template Setup

big strib

New Member
Hello everyone I run multiple country group pages and like pages on Facebook. I am wondering if there is anyone who wants to do some kind of barter with me to design a website for me in Wordpress. As of now I have a free server up but can't seem to find the right template and I don't exactly know how to do the things that I would like.

I want it to be a place where country folk go to read articles, I am wanting it where people have the options to share the posts with social networking sites as well as be able to comment through there social networking sites. A place where I can advertise businesses product.

My page names are
Group pages
Backwoods Society
Like pages
Country Redneck Rebels
Redneck Porn

I also admin on a ton of pages I can promote posts to. So the website will get tons of exposure. What you would get out of this is exposure to your website to promote yourself or your business product out there. We could even promote your product in the advertisement section.
I can also let you on my free server and edit the theme and stuff. If you want your work to be seen by thousands please let me know. If you comment on here it may take awhile for me to respond or you can send me a friends request on Facebook and message me that way. I'm always down to help others when they help me. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Staff member
to do some kind of barter with me to design a website for me in Wordpress. As of now I have a free server up
No expense spared then.

If you want your work to be seen by thousands please let me know.
Oh please, ... based on the names of the posts, the people visiting this site are probably prepared to spend exactly as much as you are for an operational website, if not less. Personally, I wouldn't know how to cook a squirrel if one (or more) were offered as a 'barter' for building a website for Billy Bob's "Good Ol' Boys Garage and Fine Art Emporium".

Most designers and developers at this forum are professionals (See item 2c and picking buckshot out of the arse end of a rabbit that was given in lieu, is probably not everyone's idea of fun.