what yall think?


Staff member
I think it is too dark, too much just black and white, needs some color, perhaps the color graphic down the bottom should be towards the top of the page, and instead of saying welcome, it should say something like Travis Website or something like that.


New Member
It's alright, but maybe you should make a site logo, perhaps with the image down the bottom with the website name on. Also you could change the table border color to a brighter color, so the site don't look so dull.


New Member
Dark Is Nice

No man. I personally think that the dark combination is nice. I love the font that you used for the welcome sign. Afterall, dark grayscale rules. I think it's perfectly visible and certainly less damaging to they eyes :p . I would pagree with using the image on the bottom with your name on it however. That would be a nice idea.

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