what software to use?


New Member

I need your advice. I have to create a website for my boss, but I hate programming. Few years ago I've tried to learn some programming languages, but it was really boring for me.

Can you advise me some software with minimum coding?


New Member
Given your enthusiasm for the project....might it be better to encourage your company to use a professional web designer?

In order to build a website that looks nice, does what it is supposed to do & has the content optimized for the search engines (as any business site should) - you are going to need to access the code directly. Apps like Dreamweaver will make your life easier, but its certainly not going to do it all for you.


New Member
There are a many software for web site designing.so you can easily find software with google and then install that software to your computer system and you can easily work on them.
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New Member
You can try various software, which simplify such kind work. E.g. Divine plugin that doesn't require deep knowledge of coding, just basics of Photoshop. Good luck!