What language do i use????


New Member
Well for starters there is obviously HTML and CSS in play. There is also some javascript that would probably be animating the transitions. There could also be PHP but it's impossible to tell without seeing the source code.

But really, I would have to say good luck getting a website up and going if you're not even sure what languages to use. I could suggest you look for tutorials on HTML, followed by CSS, then add in some javascript/PHP tutorials to top it off, then you should have a very good understanding of how to create such a website.

Sorry for the buzz kill..



New Member
Dude you can use HTML and CSS, its the easiest and best sitemaker.... You will have to work a little with animation for have similar like that link... Be the best!


New Member
Dude you can use HTML and CSS, its the easiest and best sitemaker.... You will have to work a little with animation for have similar like that link... Be the best!

It's akin to saying you need metal to build a car, and might need a few wheels. HTML is not the "easiest and best", it's the "only"

Anyhow, this site makes heavy use of jQuery. It's a javascript framework that makes animations dead easy. I suggest you get aquainted with it as soon as you know how to make the static version of it.
It's akin to saying you need metal to build a car, and might need a few wheels. HTML is not the "easiest and best", it's the "only"

Anyhow, this site makes heavy use of jQuery. It's a javascript framework that makes animations dead easy. I suggest you get aquainted with it as soon as you know how to make the static version of it.

HTML is the only markup language meant for web designing. But you also need the help of scripting languages such as CSS, JQuery, PHP, or ASP to make your site dynamic.


New Member
As stated above:

- JavaScript
-> The jQuery framework is used here (a similar framework is also an option but jQuery is also my recommendation)
- if you want anything stored in a database (guestbook / forum / ...) you will need a server-side language
-> this could be PHP

On a side note: you won't be able to make this yourself if you need to ask this question, having someone make it for you will be relatively expensive (depending on how good they are)