What langauges and tools to use


New Member
Hi I need help choosing the languages and tools I should use to design an internal website/dashboard that will display important information about various servers.

I have an XML file that contains data about various machines (i.e. OS, uptime, mem usage, etc.) and need to display that information neatly on a webpage that will be used internally by developers. I have an intermediate knowledge of basic HTML and javascript, but I'm not sure if I should learn something like PHP or use some sort of predesigned template as a starting point.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


New Member
First try creating different blogs in blog sites. It wi;ll give you good experience creating website.


New Member
I'm not really sure how Joomla would help you here...

I'd suggest getting into PHP though - you'll be able to extract the information from the xml file quite easily & display it on a web page. There is an xml object specifically for this sort of purpose.

This is a good php reference:
W3 Schools - PHP


New Member
Since you have the knowledge of HTML learn CSS, then you can move on to PHP.
Yeah Joomla can help you if you have a larger website, also you dont need to learn all the advance languages. Just the basic HTML Knowledge would be enough.


New Member

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