What is the must-have-list for a web designer


New Member

I’m planning on starting my own web design business but I would like to have some advice from the experts.

What are the first steps I would need to follow in order for me to start a small web design business?

Could someone please put a must-have-list and point out the things I would need such as a contract, web site specifications form etc?

It would be great if someone can put a list and explain it a little bit or point me to where I can read something about it.



New Member

The tools you need are simple:

1. A computer (I recommend a Mac, but that's not necessary).
2. Design software (photoshop, illustrator, fireworks, or any open source image editor)
3. HTML editor (Dreamweaver, NVU, textedit, notepad)
4. An internet connection.

That's all.

Of course, on the business side you might want a business name, logo, business cards, website, and a contract.

That's what I started with. I actually have a post about that on my blog. I hope that helps. If you need a copy of the contract I use, feel free to PM me.

Hope that helps,



Super Moderator
Staff member
Also, a local dev environment is nifty for testing your work locally before publishing.


New Member
Besides mentioned above, if you are just starting out I recommend researching your competition to see whats being offered by others. Look at the commong applications used such as WordPress, Joomla, etc.

Also, very important, start bookmarking reference guides or buy some quality books on CSS and XHTML. Its most important to learn the fundamentals of good web design first, then expand into more complex sites after.

I've been a Web Applications Developer and Software Architect for 10 years now, so I've been through most of it. I too am just starting my own web design business which is a lot less complicated than what I am used to, but thats stressful too because you try to overdo a lot.

Right now, my winning agenda seems to be:
1) Local Development Environment
2) Reseller account with quality UNIX Web Host
3) Reseller account with quality Windows Web Host
4) Active local traditional marketing (direct emails and mail campaigns)
5) Being honest and treating my customers like they are #1 (they are)
6) Sticking to the basics first (XHTML, CSS, Section 5.08) and then adding more complex elements after.

I use Visual Studio 2008 and/or Dreamweaver as my development tools and have a few quality books for reference from two of my favourites SitePoint (http:www.sitepoint.com) and O'Reilly.

Its important you expect to be paid less or do a couple charity sites until you build a portfolio as well. I've had such good referrals from my first few sites (which weren't the best because I was still overdoing too much) I barely have time to finish my own site. Thats taken a back seat.

Once thats finally done I will actively push my site through web marketing, seo, etc to get non-local business.

Hope that helps.