What is the basic difference between Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO and Gray Hat SEO?

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Basic difference between Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO and Gray Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO is also identified as SEO spamming, and is when someone builds websites that have small or no value, that are planned to trick the search engines into offering unrelated or low-quality search results.
Black Hat SEO are all about receiving quick results. The technique they use to optimize their websites will frequently obtain the website to the top of the search engines very quickly, but when the search engines catch-on, the website will very frequently crash or get banned.
White Hat SEO
White Hat SEO focuses on building excellence content first and SEO second. White Hat SEO may apply technology and automation to make their websites too, but they use it to complete different goals. White Hat SEO knows that excellent search engine rankings takes time and don't try to rush results.
When you apply White Hat SEO tactics you run completely no risk of being banned by the search engines and visitors who come to your website will also be more likely to convert.
Gray Hat SEO
A lot of SEO fall into the Gray Hat category, and there are many shades of gray. Some Gray Hat SEO tends to use more doubtful tactics and take bigger risks. Gray Hat SEO is all about risk versus compensation.


New Member
I know about white hat seo that it is all legitimate way to optimize the site and black hat is all about using illegal techniques for the SEO of a website. But I never know about the Grey Hat SEO. Nice explanation of grey hat, white hat and black hat techniques of SEO.


New Member
Any serious SEO should read up and understand what both methods of SEO have to offer.

Remember, Google are just a company like any other - just because they say something is wrong doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.
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