What has to be accomplished to make money with a website?


New Member
I'm making a website on my free time and like to have a little extra income. Any advice? Or steps..


New Member
making money online

hi there: well there are many ways to earn money on the web:
1. make your site worthy i.e write GOOD content that will interest many people.
2. take real good care of the sites' UI so your bounce rate will be low.
3. list it in good indexes
4. do good SEO
5. promote SMO
than you can start adding google adsense
you can join an affiliate network
you could start trading in leads that are coming to your site/s
but if you really wanna make money, one site is not enough. you sholud start with 10!! and than you can do business with networks.
this is only the beginning..


New Member
For most owners, a website is just a means of communication with their potential clients. So their income comes their regular business. For some, mostly porn sellers and other web shops, the income comes more or less directly from the website.

So, first start a good business or come up with a good product that you can sell over the internet. Then create the website to go along with that.