What do you think?


New Member
Hey guys. So I've been noticing that the bounce rate of my blog is not doing so well lately and I need your help to try and figure this thing out. I need to know how fast the page is loading for you.

Visit: http://hobby2wealth.blogspot.com/

Just let me know if the loading time is comfortable for you or if it makes you grow any gray hair.



New Member
It opens fast, and just as mentioned above, I do recommend you replace the pale gray with a darker gray, or maybe a dark blue would be okay as well. Good Luck!


New Member
It loaded very fast for me.

Here are two tips that I think would benefit your site:

Possibly make the background a lighter colour.

Make an awesome logo at the very top were it takes most of the horizontal space. Use good software to make a nice logo :p

Might take time but it will make ur site look more professional.


New Member
I think the black background makes me mentally feel boxed in and chlastorphobic, not sure how others feel.

Honestly: If the background color was a nice lighter such as blue or whatnot I would feel more open to explore the sight and spend more time reading your articles.