What do you think of my website?


New Member
Heey Everyone,

I have a question concerning my website, i recently changed the entire lay-out and actually the whole website. Now I am wondering what you guys think of the website?

Any things to improve concerning content, lay-out, etc. (or good ideas?).

The website = http://www.frozenlemons.com

Please view this website in Google Chrome or Firefox for best results.

(This is no promotion, you aren't the target market anyway.)

Kind Regards,
B. Stolk

Claes Nilsson

New Member
Quite minimalistic website, thumbs up. And you just went all in on 2.0, which gives you a fine end-result. Good use of graphics and your menu shows nicely where you are, except when you enter the page.

I have a few points that you could take up for consideration though.

I think the drop-shadow on the content wrapper is overkill and a subtle one could suit the site better.

The text below the menu and above the content seems like it ruins the flow of the page more than it gives the user an overview of where you're at. I think you do that fine at the navigation.

Duplicates in the main navigation and the content/secondary navigation on the front page makes it seem like the site-navigation is planned a bit poor.

Lastly the header draws a lot of attention, not sure if that's what you want or not, but just saying you can spend a lot of time looking at the header instead of reading the actual site.


New Member
Nice layout, buddy! The only thing I don't really like is the graphics (header image). It looks amateurish. It doesn't look professional enough. Just my opinion.


New Member
First off, in the FAQ section there are several spelling and grammatical errors, since this is a business to business service offering company names and such, you need to get that right, or it might shake the confidence of potential customers. Now I don't want to be picky, but I thought I would point that out.

The name "Frozen Lemons" and reading the FAQ I can see why you might have picked that name, your choice. BUT considering the service you offer, my guess is that you could have come up with something more appropriate.

On the plus side, nice idea and the site looks nice and is easy to navigate and understand.:)


New Member
@ Ishie: With header image you mean the guy ticking on his laptop? The cartoon image? Or the Frozen Lemons logo as well? And the slogan...?


New Member
@Claess Nilsson: "I think the drop-shadow on the content wrapper is overkill and a subtle one could suit the site better." Which drop shadow do you mean? The one that says Frozen Lemons or the brainstorm one?


New Member
I like the tag line- captures the idea nicely. I agree that the name is a bit odd though. In particular, when I hear lemons in the business context I think of problem-riddled cars. Also, I think the top banner is a bit to wide - it pushes much of the key content off the screen (viewed in firefox)