what about this design ?


New Member
Your website needs renovation, some eye-catching graphics should be added to it, some fonts should get replaced with better ones. It's just filled with text at the moment and not everything looks readable that much.


New Member
Can you explain what your website is about? It looks bland.

There is a lot of white vs grey text, this may hurt weak eyes.


New Member
Very plain and simple. If that's what you are going for then it is okay but I suggest you try a lot of different colors and find something a little more eye catching.


New Member
Needs more improvement i think. Its very plain. You need to add more colors or graphics on your website to attract more viewers.


New Member
Pretty bland IMO. Also in Firefox there seems to be this weird thing with the top menu. I'm not sure if that was intended or not but in between each button link there is TONS of space. Seems kinda awkward to me.