Website Review


New Member
I have been working on a large piece of software based on php. I would appreciate if you could log in to the software and provide a review on the design and elements of it.

Website is

Click on login, and use the following details:

username: demo
password: demo

Or if you would like you can create your own account.

Thanks in advance


Super Moderator
Staff member
looks well thought out and seems to work as fas as i can tell, but i know next to nothing about the repo business and i thank god for that. :p


New Member
Im more or less just trying to get a critique based on the design and elements and functions of it, rather than how it works and whats available in it. But thanks for the input.


Staff member
It loads fast and is easy to read.
One one of the pages, you used a different font, you should try and keep the fonts consistent.
Also maybe consider placing an image of a software cover or something on the front page. Some kind of image describing what the site is about might be nice.


New Member
Good interface. Few issues to look into.

The interface is un cluttered and simple. Good work !

I am using firefox 2.0. When I clicked on 'New Assignments' button, the form did not display properly.

When 'Security' tab is clicked, the whole screen is repeated again in the frame. :confused:

Is there a logout link/process ?

Good work on the whole.

- Govind


New Member
Thanks for replying, Its still a work in progress, about 90% done truthfully, still a few kinks to work out and few bugs etc, havnt done a logout just yet or anything to do with cookies but am planning on implementing these. Also ill check with firefox a bit later see whats up with the form, my biggest bug right now is if you click on a main menu item up the top it will open a new website inside the frame which is not meant to happen, planning on fixing that shortly.

Thanks for the input though, i appreciate it.