Website review


New Member
Hey everyone; I'm new to this forum, and this is my first post :D

Anyway, I'd be really grateful if someone could rate my site. I've done a bit of web design before, but not a great deal as I've been very busy with school :S.

Here's the link:

I usually try to add some flash, but I didn't have time to make anything good for this. If you have time, you could review my Young Enterprise site as well, (, although someone else is kitting it out with content at the moment, and they've put a spot too many links in the right column :S.

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Staff member
I think the abgnet site looks really nice. I especially liked the graphic in the header area, may want to experiment making it a little more streamlined, as it does occupy a large portion of the header area.
The buttons and site layout are also good.


New Member

why all the animations of bubbles and lines moving, whats the reason behind that ?? besides beign a graphical element it doesnt add value to the design as it gives the impression of a med lab or some kind o cardiogram more than an enigma site