website problems in ie - works great in firefox


New Member
To be honest, the first thing you should do is restructure your code to use a CSS-based design using <div>s rather than nested tables.

If you don't have the time to do that, you should at least use tables "properly". There's no need to have tables nested in tables nested in tables here. IE is -very- unforgiving when it comes to proper syntax, while FF and Chrome tend to figure out what you mean a bit better.

Basically, this would require a pretty significant restructuring in order to get it to work properly. (I assume you're referring to the background image appearing in a different spot in IE.)

Your best bet if you want to to restructure it and continue to use tables is to use a 2x2 table, top left = logo, top right = Ocean City Bridal Show, bottom left = menu, bottom right = content. Though again, I'd really recommend going css-based div layout instead.