website not showing css in firefox and ie?


New Member

when i look at iyt in chrome i can see the light blue background and box shadows around buttons and div tags but not when i look at it in firefox or ie.

am i being a knob or is something up.

look at it in chrome.

thanks for your help



Well-Known Member
Staff member
They all look equally "fuzzy" to me and difficult to actually read. Lucky he's not an optician!! :D

By the way,

What is "Hypnostised"??


New Member
What version of FF are you using? And you probably didn't checked it in IE9, because then it's fine. When I look at it in IE8 or less I don't see the shadows indeed. But that's because IE8> don't support your shadow effects in CSS. Go google for "IE8 or less shadow effects CSS" or something...I guess there will be a solution, tho the best solution is just to replace that div with an image. Then it will show in every browser the same:)


New Member

i have checked in ie9, but its weird because all websites seem to be missing their css styles!!!!

dont know what version of firefox am using, how do i find out.

it must be some setting on my browser i have accidently clicked, all websites i visit have no style unlike when i view with chrome!!!!!
