Website Accessibility Issues


New Member
I am a member of this club and have been assigned to design and update their website. I have gone through many designs. I like the look of this one but I see it in a 1440x900 resolution. I have had some complaints from people who view it in a smaller resolution; things go out of line and other parts cannot be seen. Should I try and work out a css file to cover all of the site? Will that make it available for the site to be seen properly in other windows? Please view the site at
Please help?
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New Member
Simple answer - Yes. Although, I don't think it looks too bad as it is. You might consider making the site a fixed width equal to the width of the header image. This will make it viewable on more screens as it will be a bit smaller, and it will also make it so that the format of the page doesn't change based on the size of the window. Hope this helps.


Staff member
It looks ok in 1024x768 but the color scheme needs work, too bright.


New Member
It seen like if you view it in 800x600 it will cur off right right most of the webpage but its not much.
I dont think so many users on the net use 800x600 as i think most screen are able to use 1024x768 or higher so maby the people watching your site in 800x600 should just have some help in change the resolution til something higher. You could change the layout of the page to fit on a 800x600 screen but that up to you.

I guess you should change the site to what the users want...


New Member
u can set 2 css depending upon scree resolution, or simple use % instead of px
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