Webpage review


New Member

What do you think about the design?
Should I put the sidebar to the left or keep it in the right?
What about the footer? Can the words be read?

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New Member
It's fine on the right imo.

The words can be read but you might want to lighten it up slightly for those who have monitors that aren't calibrated properly.


New Member
The logo seems to compressed for my liking. Try the most minimum compression for JPG with it. Also might go with PNG (with no transparency). I know in the past PNG was tricky with browsers, but these days it seems fine. Any other web designers have opinions in PNG?


Super Moderator
Staff member
honestly I cannot say that this does it for me.
it is very content heavy, and that dropdown menu! ugh!!!
i'd remove it entirely.
I dont understand the language but I can grasp that the menu is
lenses, liquid, accessories and glasses.
"make" the customer click through to see. its simply just overwhelming having it all within the menu, and they will not buy.

the sidebar on the right looks like it has its right edge hidden.
and yes, I too would move it to the left.

its simply too busy. give it some room to breathe, give it some whitespace. consider that those going to this side probably need glasses/contacts anyway...
once it breathes you will see that it will look better.
make your shop grid 3x4 rather than 4x3

i'd put the paypal/visa etc logos in the footer.

also why are you promoting rubbish like mcafee?