Web Design Website


New Member
So, I have started to create a website for myself in order to help advertise my services. This is what I have come up with for the main page, design wise.

Please let me know what you think, also sorry if your screen is under 1000px I haven't created the styles for smaller windows yet.

Also, could someone take a peek at my source, specifically the forms near the bottom? I have a boatload of warnings in that area when I ran it through the W3C validator and can't really figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Here is the temporary URL: http://www.webdesignbynate.co.cc/


d a v e

New Member
logo should be gif or png-8

wow it's cold and unfriendly! so... stark

if you swapped the black wiht the sky blue and throw in a complementrary colour it might help


New Member
Not too impressive in my honest opinion mate. You need to come up with a visual style and work on a design concept alongside that, it's usually based around your branding (logo). The lack of colour and the overpowering black backgrounds make the site quite depressing, try injecting some different colours and tones to give it some more visual appeal. I'd also suggest using some custom fonts, Google Web Fonts is ideal for this and would give your design a bit more of an edge.

Good Luck!


New Member
Yeah, Needs work done on this. Try going for a simple and clean look.
Have a look around at other websites like your's. Like the guy above "www.matthewfreeman.co.uk" that is a great example.


New Member
well a webdesigner's webpage was always going to be pretty good. well done tho. i think it needs more graphics, a logo perhaps?