Warning Malware

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New Member
There is a user on this site that is sending Malware to users in private messages. If you click on the link they are sending you will either get the spyware or your antivirus will reject it. Chrome picked it up as malware instantly. I new from the message that if was a false statement. They claim to be the administrator even though they are a new user. Below is what they are sending out, I have removed the link for your safety.

New Member

Take measures immediately!!!
Dear, Removed Names

Spam sending from your computer was detected.
We highly recommend you to check your computer and perform online virus check at our site immediately:Removed URL
If you do not pass this test* we will have to delete your account and forward a complaint to your ISP with attached log file (your IP address, etc.).

Forum Administration www.webdesignforum.com


Staff member
That user has been banned and their private messages have been deleted.
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