Using RQ Search and Replace for HTML tag editing


New Member
You can use RQ Search and Replace to search and replace HTML code for tags,attribute names, or values
For example you can change the font size of one font type without affecting any others
<font size="2" face="Arial"> will be changed to <font size="3" face="Arial">, but font Verdna
<font size="2" face="Verdanal"> remain the same size="2".
You can delete or change HTML tags, it's attributes or attributes values.
Don't worry about attribute's order in tag - program parsed HTML code and get all attributes and its values properly.
Any html code can be found and changed according to a search condition maintaining strict coding syntax
For example <font size="2" face="Arial"> or < font face='Arial' size=2 > is the equvalent tags.
The program searches by the search parameters and changes according to those found parameters

RQ Search and Replace is free for single file operation
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Super Moderator
Staff member
i am sorry, but i really don't see the significants to this program. nothing that can't be done within most WYSIWYG editors.