Using Favicons

I am exploring the use of favicons on my site. My site,, is in php. I just placed a favicon on the main page. It is supposed to animate. After placing the favicon code only on the main page, it appears instantly on all the pages of my site without animation as viewed through all the major browsers except for FF. In FF, it only appears on the main page. It also animates on FF.

Since my site is in php, is there a way that I could add this favicon code to some file within the Includes folder so that it appears on all the pages at once without me having to add the code to each individual page in order for it to appear in FF and intimate in all the other browsers?



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Yes. Create a header.php file that includes the header (doctype, title, head, etc). This can then be used like a master page. Then id you ever want to make any changes, you only have to adjust one file (header.php).
Thank you so much for all your recommendations. I added the favicon code to header.php and now the favicon appears on all the pages. The only issue that I have is that it is only animated while viewing the site with FF. I am not concerned about this issue though, as long as the favicon appears on all the pages. This issue is now resolved!!