Typography - How to match fonts.


New Member
Peace Guys,

I just thought this might be a useful bit of information for newish people to web design.

That is the importance of typography. Too many new people to design think it's okay to slab a few fonts together and it'll be fine. :confused: But there is so much more power if you take advantage of the text you put on your website.

Yes, we all know text helps with content for searches, etc. We also know that text is everywhere, an omnipresent entity essential for communication.

How well does your 'text' communicate to your visitor?

Typography is the style and arrangement of text, composing text to guide your visitors through your website.

Now, this may seem pretty basic, yeah. But let's go over a few simple things. There are principles to typography, nothing set in stone, but principles:

1. The styles of the font should be substantially dissimilar, but not polar opposites that they clash jarringly.
2. Match sans-serif with serif. Never (usually) match sans with sans or serif with serif.
3. Try to find fonts that are proportional.
4. Assign different roles (or even positions) to fonts. - Ex. 1 font for body, 1 font for header.
5. Differ the weight of the typefaces.
6. Increase/Decrease leading or tracking.
7. Increase/Decrease line length (ie how many words per line).
8. Mix a unique sans-serif font with a clean serif font.

Try following some of these guidelines and see what you come up with. If in the end, you don't like what you see, keep fiddling around with it until you get the hang of what looks right and what doesn't. Don't give up!!



New Member
I love typography. You are right, the font and how it is managed affects the user experience tremendously.

as a side note: squirrelfonts has a bunch of beautiful and free fonts. You can create a kit to download into your website and make us of.


New Member
Typography is one of the visual elements that can be used to create great web design. And the importance of good web typography is proportionate to that of good web design. Good typography helps to establish good visual hierarchy, leading the reader across the page in accordance to the level of importance of the different text and images. It can also provide visual punctuation and graphic accents to help readers to connect text with images, and headlines with content. In order to create a good design, designers must understand the relation of image, type and colors with each other so that they will make good artistic choices that are complimentary, working together instead of in opposition.