Trying to streamline mouseover image


New Member
We just started using a new method for our color charts.
When you mouseover a thumbnail it displays it larger in the box above.

BioShield Kinder Paint

It's Javascript and goes something like this

var color = new Image();

color.src = "filepath"

then the script defining which img is displayed when the page loads

and then the tables

<a onmouseover="doButtons('color)" href="#"><img src="filepath" ect.

This works great for 1 to 5 imgs but some of our products have 10, 20, 30 or more images. It becomes time consuming and a bit of a pain to keep track of where you are.
I am hoping there is a quicker way to do this. I know if I had the skills I could probably make a GUI that just had text boxes for the name, filepath and variable name but I can’t so I was wondering if there was anything simpler available to make this go a little quicker?


New Member
You will want to start using JQuery to speed up your js code writing.

would allow you to apply your code to multiple elements at once with ease, while not cluttering your HTML with inline code calls.