toolbars & Size constraint & the fold (HELP!!!!)


New Member
We were talking about "the fold" when designing websites.. meaning anything above the fold is better real estate, thus gets better clicks. Our home page for example we moved the item "x" below the fold last week, and the sales plummeted on that item (our highest selling part before the move) then we moved it back up yesterday. (around the fold)

I have 1024x768, and I noticed I can’t see it above the fold, until I turn my “links” and “Google bar” off. Then I started thinking about your average user ( I used my mom for example) she has 3 search bars on her computer (because as we both know everything that you install on the net now a days has a built in search bar download (Yahoo, google, links, etc...)that is automatic unless you UN-check it.

Finally to the question.... Is there any articles that you are aware of that we should look at in regards to these issues, and how we address them? What the actual screen size is? Numbers wise..... are you supposed to design around the bars being thier, and if so how many?

Any help would be appreciated