The best method of showing pictures


New Member
Hi Guys,

Nice site, had a flick through and haven't really had my questions answered. :(

My site If you look at the pictures page it should pop up onto a new screen.

Now it's a frameset, which I know is old hat and shouldn't be used, but I'm not worried about this part of the website. However I'm going to be experiencing a few problems in the future.

First of all, I have another 9 images to go on and some more from a recent gig we did. The problem is the frame set on the left won't scroll. So I'm eventually going to lose images down that side. :mad:

So the BIG question is....

Is there a better way of showing my pictures?

I've tried the old thumbnail which goes to a picture, however the user has to press back etc, which is what I didn't want! Hence the new frameset.

So I'm out of ideas, has anybody seen a decent image viewer online, or know a piece of software that can make it look good, and handle a lot of pictures?

I have also looked at the templates in Dreamweaver, which aren't that great, so I want some new dynamic ideas! Non-flash though, as I hate it!(Controversial? - me?!)

Take Care

THE Bassmasta ;)


New Member
I like what you have currently. I also think that as the thumbnails on the left get longer, there will be a scroll bar automatically.

however, if you are actually looking for something different, and you have dreamweaver. Just make your thumbnails, then link them to a larger pic, but set the target to _Blank. That will cause the larger picture that you are linked to to open in a new window.


New Member
Hi, thanks for the compliment.

I have already attempted to increase the left bar beyond my screen resolution, and no scroll bar appeared. In fact not just my machine, but also the rest of the band!

Is there something in the coding, I do like the way it is done now, so would like to keep it, assuming it behaves it self, or there is a cure?

Let me know guys,

Thansk for the quick responses!


THE Bassmasta!