The best layout method?


New Member
Hi, I'm new to web design and to the forum. I am looking for suggestions about the best way to do a page layout with CSS (not using any tables). Should I use AP divs, regular divs with classes? What exactly is the best method to position the different parts of my content? Any tips about CSS layout would be much appreciated.



Personally I use alot of divs with id's and/or classes depending on whether that style is applied to multiple divs or not. I don't think this is the most recommended method though. If you're just starting out you should try to get into the habit of using more html5 elements and not wrap everything in divs.


Super Moderator
Staff member
AP divs are not the go.

a basic html5 page example
<div id="wrapper">
<header>*header info + images go here*</header>
<nav>*nav as a ul goes here*</nav>
<aside>*left column*</aside>
<article id="maincontent">*main content goes here*</article>
<footer>*footer info goes here*</footer>


Use HTML5 and regular divs. AP Divs are garbage. Look up some CSS3 elements to use to reduce the amount of images. Look around at other websites to get a feel for different layouts. Gather some inspiration.