Tech blog for review


New Member
Hi guys,

I've just given my main website a bit of an overhaul, would love some feedback from people regarding it:

Tech Made Easy

It's a Wordpress blog using an open source theme that I've modified.
I wanted to keep the design simple and not detract too much from the content. I wanted everything to be clear for those that are not that familiar with computers.

Grateful for any feedback, good or bad!


New Member
Ok bat, here's my opinion.
I think you have the colour scheme and layout spot on throughout the site, they are great colours to match your sites aim.
However sometimes in the main writing when you have the green links on a White background, they can be difficult to see. This is only for the smaller green writing, for example on the home page where it says "Two free games".
It is quite hard to separate the colours.
Another thing is that on the right hand side of the pages, you have a heading, "cheap computers". I think you need to change the word cheap as it kind of puts you off the whole site, putting the cheap idea into your head.
Maybe put low cost computers or something similar.
Finally, because of who your site is aimed at, people who don't know much about technology, I think you should have a link which actually says "home" to take you back to the homepage. Instead of just having to click the logo.

Overall, these are minor changes and your site is very good so keep it up. Also I like the content of your site and believe it is a great idea, but you must be committed to the idea and post new how To's regularly.
Well done! :)


New Member
Thanks for the response RPDesign!

I take your point on the links. On some monitors they seem to appear ok, but on others they are nearly impossible to see. I'll look at changing that if I can.

I've changed the "Cheap Computers" text. To be honest I put together that widget late on a Sunday night I think so I didn't give as much thought as I could have to it!

Producing new How-To guides becomes more and more of a challenge as time goes on. To the point where I'm having to extend my own knowledge in order to write new content, rather than calling on my existing knowledge.

Hopefully it's going to be become more popular soon. This is a very crowded area of the market so it's going to take a lot of pushing in order to build up a regular fan base.



New Member
No problem, I'm glad to help out.
Definitely keep at it and it will certainly become more popular as the older generation are trying to learn how to use all different kinds of technology- it makes them feel younger :D
It could turn out to be a nice money maker for you!
Good luck