

New Member
I have designed a web site,, to sell tee shirts online. I used a template from I used the MultiFlex2.1b template and modified it with my rudimentary knowledge of CSS and photo shop. I have taken some courses at the local Junior College. I think the layout is O.K. but I have received comments about the color scheme. Comments and criticism would be appreciated. Thanks -


I have quite a bit of things to bring up.

I believe the site looks very generic, like a parked domain type site. It doesn't build any kind of creditability or trust with me, so I personal wouldn't be buying products with the first impression.

Also why would you choose to put advertisements that link to places that sale similar products. You currently are just advertising for your competitors at this point, and basically asking for your clients to navigate from your site by clicking on an ad instead of buying one of your shirts.

I'm also kind of struck by the length of your domain, you may win the world record for the longest domain with that (sarcasm). Why I bring this up is there is no way I would see someone remembering that, which will not help bring previous clients back. As a suggestion maybe change it to something like (Superior Sublimation Tees), or even shorten the company name altogether.

The products that you are selling sadly are not interesting at all. It looks like you basically have went through a site similar to to print all of it and just download a tiger image to throw on the shirt. I wouldn't buy the products cause they are not unique at all, and cost way to much. I have opened up many online appeal stores and know that I could get white t-shirts of better quality for $0.99-$1.50 each then print on them for a load cheaper.

The impress you gave me with this site is that your looking to make money as fast as possible and basically by doing that you won't make any money at all.