Suggestions for displaying images / photo gallery on web site


New Member

I am looking for suggestions to display images / photo galleries on a web site. I was going to use Google Picasa and embed it into the site since it would be easy to maintain. But, Google has changed how this works. They run everything through Google+ and have only added the ability to 'link' to the web album. This will not work. Some users may be confused by this. I thought that maybe I could get away with an easy fix and just embed the gallery right in the site.

Since I cannot do that, what else could I do? I use jquery to make slide shows now and that is pretty easy to maintain. But, I was more concerned with an image gallery.

Should I show thumbnails of all pics? Some pics? Use JQuery to allow users to use a slide show, but move it manually with some buttons instead of it auto playing?

I await your opinions



New Member
Thank you for that.

I actually ended up using jquery and adding the arrows that users would press to move the images.


New Member
You can just Google free jQuery Image Gallery, and a host of free, easily-installable solutions will surface. You did not say what type of CMS you are using, if any. Either way, whether its a static site, Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, or whatever, there's a jQuery plugin that can serve your needs and it won't cost you a thing.

Chico Webmasters
eCommerce Website Design in Chico
Is it preferred to make your own
or is it better to find a free one?

If it is preferred to make your own, where are thr function calls documented?
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New Member
Because I was in your position last year, I decided to create a simple gallery and I posted it as a freebie on my website. You may download it and use it freely. I do not support it. You can find it at

So, that looks pretty nice. Would I be able to put that into a div and size it appropriately?

The problem I am running into with a lot of the freebies is that I want to resize them to fit in a 510 px x 450 px box. It is hard to find one that is that size. I could give or take a few pixels either way, but that seemed to look best on my page.