Strange wordpress theme issue


So I'm working on my first wordpress theme. It's for a friend of mine and it's a pretty simple theme for an artist portfolio. Anyways I'm having a weird problem and I'm sure it's coming from the css somewhere I just haven't found it yet. I have a footer with a login link so that when the site goes live I she can go to the site and then click the login link instead of remembering the admin page. (Yes I know the admin page is easy to remember but I'm trying to idiot proof it for her as much as possible).

Anyways the login link has some styling on it so that when it's a link it's white with a purple background and when it's hovered over it's purple with a gold background. This works perfectly but the thing that's happening is when I'm changing tabs, specifically when the tab I want to change to is directly above the login link, the login link is giving me the a:hover style. Which is odd considering I'm not really hovering over it. I'm attaching an image and I'll put the css for the login link as well.

After a little more testing on different browsers (except IE... I refuse...) I've come to the conclusion that it's not my code but a combination of my browser and my OS that's causing this to happen. I'm on Mac OSX Lion and the problem only seems to occur if I'm in safari using Lion's new full screen feature..... I'm even having a difficult time recreating the incident now?


footer a:link, footer a:visited {
	display: block;
	color: white;
	background-color: #571b6d;
	border-radius: 15px 15px 0 0;
	width: 100px;
	height: 30px;
	margin: 0 auto -15px;
	padding-top: 9px;
footer a:hover {
	color: #571b6d;
	background-color: #fbff95;

interesting... the image didn't show my mouse and I didn't notice. Well I'm hovering over the webdesignforum tab. And as you can see the login section is gold instead of purple which is what it's supposed to be.
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Interesting. As long as it's not an issue with my code I'm alright. I don't think it's something that will be reproduced a lot it was just bothering me a bit. Thanks Phreaddee