Stolen web content


New Member
Is there an effective way to get someone to remove content and images that they stole from your website?

Some website has stolen old discontinued wooden truck listings from my site and now they are trying to sell the items as their own designs. I no longer carry the models but I have the original pictures and descriptions.

Their URL is:

My stolen items are the Aero tandem tractor at the bottom:mad:


New Member
Sorry to hear.

I would contact the web host and site owner via email, phone, written letter and show the proof in the contact and hopefully they will take it down due to copyright infringement.

If all else fails, PDOS ;)


New Member
Sorry to hear.

I would contact the web host and site owner via email, phone, written letter and show the proof in the contact and hopefully they will take it down due to copyright infringement.

If all else fails, PDOS ;)

I'm sorry to hear it too, but bcee is right, send letter with proof (if you have the original photo), it should solve this.


New Member
sorry to hear about this situation...

but,on the plus i highly DOUBT they are selling anything with a crap site like that... :eek:


New Member
Contact a copyright attorney if they don't remove the content within a specified amount of time. That's a serious infringement and I wholly support artist's integrity. It happened a couple of years ago to me; I sent them a cease and desist letter, they resisted, I had a lawyer contact them and BOOM, content down.

@bcee- what does PDOS mean? :)

@TheLivingDead- LOL you are totally right!!


New Member
Permanent Denial Of Service attack, IE: take the server out. Extremely advanced, but, there are some who know how.