Split text/video synced presentation


New Member
How what? I'm not sure I understand- do you mean how to make a flash movie?

You will have to purchase the Flash software. You can subscribe to lynda.com, which is an online training class, to learn how to use it.

There's somewhat of a steep learning curve, but it's not too difficult.

Let me know if you have any other questions, or, if this isn't what you were looking for, feel free to contact me and I will try to further clarify.

Good luck!


New Member
You may want to try After Effects instead of Flash, actually. It'll produce better output and, while After Effects DOES use a timeline, it doesn't demand much knowledge unless you want to do advanced things. Also, importing and exporting with AE would be a breeze.

Then again, using After Effects for the web is somewhat like using a grenade launcher to kill spiders.
