Special Characters appearing (Chrome)


New Member
This only happen on chrome. An html words enclosed by div shows special characters


The original words are

“BDO and it’s fabulous network of people have been there to assist me every step of the way.... I found a wonderful job working with people who were just like me”


New Member
Every time I've encountered this it's been because the characters were copied and pasted into html from a Word doc or other Microsoft product. For some reason MS products use their own variety of ", ', -, etc.

You can actually see this in the difference between the " and ' in what you copied into your post, and what it looks like here.

The easy fix is to simply go into the html, delete the offending character, and re-type it. If you do need to copy text from a Microsoft product into a browser, it's helpful to first paste it in to Notepad and then copy that to paste it into your html / php file, since Notepad will remove the silly Word formatting.

Best of luck!

~ Nathan