Slowing down, need opinions


New Member
I've been working on our site for a few weeks now and I've sort of hit a road block as to how I could make it better. I've been messing around the last few days with proper thumbnail images and conversion tracking, but I would like to add something a bit more aesthetically pleasing.

Any ideas?
Well, I don't believe all that bright green and orange and yellow is anywhere near "aesthetically pleasing". And I personally don't care for that honeycomb background either.


New Member
The yellow and the orange are pieces from our portfolio, and given that it's more difficult to take them out of the equation. On a brighter note, we'll (hopefully) be adding more and more work to that list, so it won't look that way forever.

As for the overuse of green, I would have to agree. I'm not the best with choosing colors that work well together. Does anyone have any good reference material for color palettes? I'm also open to suggestions on a new color theme.

Now I understand the honeycomb background, after looking at your name again.;) But I still think it comes on too strongly with the green.

Here is a thread about color selection.


New Member
Now I understand the honeycomb background, after looking at your name again.
Yeah, I wanted something to go with the whole "hive" thing, but refused to use bees. The hexagon was the next best thing to represent the hive.

I did some reading in that other thread, very good material and bookmarked for the future. I really like this article on Six Revisions.

I like the look of brown in the page like the Frenchtown Roasters business card on the home page, but I as though it may take away from the "high tech" feel the green gives me.

Any thoughts on how I might be able to work some light/dark blues into this?


New Member
I've been working on the load speeds today. I noticed they got a bit lengthy when we added ShareThis. Hopefully I can work on a cache solution and it won't be acting up much longer.

And now that you've said it, I sort of hate the drop shadows too. :) Thanks.

kuler looks great. Thanks for that one, I'll definitely be saving it. I've used in the past, I guess we'll see it kuler can replace it.


New Member
My site

Took away the drop shadow on links and changed the hover over color to a shade of orange. Minor change, but at least we now have some new color in there.