Skeuomorphism : your thoughts on my design


New Member
I have been reading lots of articles lately about skeuomorphism, why people like it and why other hate is.
I have a dilemna. I have a personal website which some might consider as being skeuomorphic. I spent lots of time on it and thoughout what I read I get the feeling it could be perceived as outdated.

On the other hand i like minimalism (I'm a Windows Phone user) and so I came up with a new design:

But then are there way too many graphics in the first (current) version of my personal website ? Is that a problem ? After all, it is a relatively small and readable website so should I care ?
I guess my problem is that I like both designs but I need some external point of view. Would you be likely to tell me what you think ?

Thank you very much


New Member
My advice would be to keep the wood one as the "desktop" version and find a way to redirect people to the light, white one for the "mobile" version when they visit on a phone.

But I'm a fan of moderate amounts of skeuomorphism like your site. If it was overkill like some soft drink and corporate sites, I'd probably say "out with it".