Site review:


New Member
Hi everybody,

I just wanted you to take a look at my site. It's a site about web design... I have an articles page you can look at, and a projects page. I keep all of my latest projects listed here.

Thanks, I want some constructive criticism!



New Member
IMO, news update consumes only a little part of your homepage. Maybe only the news that came up for that day or the previous day and make their font smaller.

Most important is the content of your website. It is like nothing but news update.

At first glance, even by reading the whole homepage, i don't know what the site id about.


New Member
I agree with scarlett, your news update is your whole page. Maybe try adding a section on your homepage "what mikeburt is all about" just a thought and make your news updates secondary on the hierarchy level.

Also from a design perspective using a lot of middle gray values really flattens your web page, not very appealing, kinda boring; not sure if that's what you were going for. **here is a great link for color themes for any design project ** Also there really isnt much graphical content, try adding some simple icons maybe to your news update to make your site pop more. Hope this helps


New Member
a home page is the summary of the whole site, discuss about your purpose,achievements etc, try to create "SOMETHING" that can catch the attention of people(im not talking about the flash, or any animated images) should have a portfolio...


New Member
Thanks guys, I appreciate the responses. I realize what you're saying. So I'm going to reduce the size of the news posts, have only the last three days or so, and have a clear "about" section at the top of the homepage.

Sound like a good idea?