Silk browser (Kindle Fire) limitations?

Coffee Freak

New Member
I have built a site for a customer that wants to view it on their Kindle Fire. Even though the documentation says it supports Flash, I have some Flash text that is not showing up on it. I even went so far as to purchase a Kindle Fire for my own testing and I'm having similar issues. I thought that by putting in alt text for the Flash text that it would show up at least to navigate the site, but even that isn't showing up. Also, allarently Javascripts do not function in Silk since a Javascript scrolling image doesn't show up and is replaced with a > symbol.

HELP!!! This is driving me nuts. I've been looking for best practices when designing sites that will be viewed on Kindles, but searches only seem to find hype for the Kindle put out by Amazon.

Thanks for any help!

Coffee Freak

New Member
Figured it out!!!!!

From the factory, Flash is NOT enabled. You have to go into the settings to turn on Flash. Once I did on both Kindle Fire's, the site worked beautifully.