Should i learn dreamweaver at once? newbie question


New Member
Hi everyone,

Im new to this forum and would like to learn web design.
I know the basic is learning html, css and others but my question is,
is it not right if i start learning like dreamweaver and other webdesign software at once?

At the moment im learning html and css.

Your suggestions and reco will be greatly appreciated :)
Hope to hear from all of you.



New Member
Dreamweaver is nice and all for newbies, but it's better in the long run if you learn to code your own websites.


New Member
It's good to get a basic understanding of how HTML works first, though you don't have to go too far into it. Once you have a good understanding of the structure of tags, divs, and attributes, you should head into dreamweaver. Its "File" panel is great for keeping your files organized, and will notify you if a change in code will result in broken links. Also, the "Behaviors" panel is perfect for someone who doesn't understand Javascript too well. You can make a quick Form Validation script without even looking at the code. It also helps with disjointed rollovers. Also, external styles sheets are a breeze, since you don't need to look at a single line of CSS. You just set the object's ID, and then set formatting options in the options boxes that pop up.

Many designers may say that WYSIWYG editors are short sighted, but you can learn so much HTML while producing websites by switching to "code view" once in a while. That's not how I learned, but I don't see any reason to not learn this way.



New Member
Hi everyone,

Im new to this forum and would like to learn web design.
I know the basic is learning html, css and others but my question is,
is it not right if i start learning like dreamweaver and other webdesign software at once?

At the moment im learning html and css.

Your suggestions and reco will be greatly appreciated :)
Hope to hear from all of you.


I learned HTML the hard way and I have to agree with Lou to some extent. WYSIWYG programs are a convenience, and you won't be able to do with out if you don't learn HTML or CSS by yourself first. I didn't learn CSS now the only CSS I do know is from working in Split View in Dreamweaver (and that's pretty basic). I say at least learn CSS first. You'll thank yourself later.


New Member
Thank you dwhite, LouTheDesigner, KamikazeNow for the insight. Yes, im familiar now with html and learning css and after that i think i might try to go on with dreamweaver.
Thanks guys for the info :) appreciated.


New Member
Like someone above me said, I'd simply stick with notepad or textedit for most of your coding... it's the best way to learn.

Once you've mastered that you can go on to the WYSIWYG editors such as dreamweaver.