Sequentially duplicated forms


New Member

I am currently overhauling my company's accident reporting system and our director of safety has asked me if it possible to create some sort of online form.

I'm a bit rusty with web pages but I'm going to give it a go - what I want to do is keep it as slimline as possible.

Obviously with a report of this nature, there has to be a record of each vehicle/person involved.

What I would like to do is start with one page to fill out the basics and then have the web page add the necessary forms based on the data entered.

For example if the person says there were three vehicles involved in the incident, I want the page to add 3 vehicle information forms, and number them 1, 2 and 3. Similarly with witnesses/injured persons details.

At the end I would like to compile and email the completed form.

Is that possible, or am I asking too much of the internet?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Is that possible, or am I asking too much of the internet?
Tens of thousands of data collections documents already existing are testament to the answer being no.

So if various Government Tax Offices can collect all their data from 'online' forms, a simple accident report poses absolutely no problems whatsoever.