Rotate text in IE / Change Flash object background color


New Member
I know basic HTML and CSS, but I want to have a flash based website so I've been using to build one. Wix provides the option to either use Wix as the webhost or providing a code to embed the site.

I would like to incorporate HTML elements in my site so I am opting to use a different host and use the embed codes.

The URL of the website I created with the flash embeded is
The URL of the page as Wix hosts it is

I have a facebook badge in a DIV, which I was able to rotate 90 degrees in Firefox, Opera, and Safari. For some reason the code that's supposed to work for IE isn't working. Anyone have any idea why?

Also, in the Wix hosted version the background of the flash is black, but in the page I made it's white (unless viewed in IE). Not a big deal other than there's always a white bar showing unless it's displaying at larger than 1000x650px. anyone know how I could change it to a black background with the embedded code?

I tried using the following code to embed it instead, but when i set width to 100% it disappears in firefox and the whole thing looks weird in opera:

<script type="text/javascript">
        var minimalFlashVersion = "9.0.115";
        if (swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion(minimalFlashVersion)){
            var flashvars = {};
            var params = {
                play: "true",
                loop: "true",
                menu: "true",
                quality: "high",
                scale: "noScale",
                salign: "tl",
                wmode: "window",
                bgcolor: "#000000",
                base: "",
                flashvars: "pageId=fToLYLSE6Qc-a&embedFormat=normal&embedID=vqYoomyuzs7p;3k0UPaqx8v7LpqCLABuVsglrHCpAR_5_d0tYtaEPd3vhXFcpKEua&partner_id=WMGs4POB1ko-a",
                devicefont: "false",
                allowscriptaccess: "always",
                allowfullscreen: "true"
            var attributes = {
                id: "app",
                name: "app",
                align: "middle"
            try {
                swfobject.embedSWF("", "flashContent", "100%", "100%", minimalFlashVersion, false, flashvars, params, attributes);
            } catch(e){
                alert("General error occured. Please try to refresh the page.");
                //@todo: implement when monitor is ready
                //document.write('<img src="{MONITOR_SRC}" width="0" height="0" alt="" />');

        } else {
            window.location.href = "";

Thanks for the help!


New Member
Although I completely agree, I can't force everybody to stop using it. Seems I figured out both parts though; I think having position:relative for the facebook thing was messing up the rotation in IE. now that it's absolute it's working in all browsers. As for the Flash background, all I had to do was add the parameter wmode being transparent.

Now I only have a couple very minor issues:
  1. I'd like to make the Facebook thing scale down with the flash - I don't think this will be possible...
  2. I'd like the Facebook to align with the bottom of the flash object - right now it's aligned to the bottom of the div containing the flash object, but the height of that div is 100% in order to make the flash scale. Also, alignment of the Facebook thing is completely off in IE.