Review our YouTube Channel for SEO


Well-Known Member
Staff member
First off:
SEO is NOT a 'thing' you can 'improve'. SEO is a process of modifying the website documents with an aim to increase the conversion ratio of that document.

AND, your "article writing" document is complete bullshit, based on ten year old ideas that HAVE been discredited for about the same amount of time AND are the cause of pages being negatively weighted by search engines.


New Member
I get that. We will see how to make it better rather remove them if needed. Still so many clients ask for article writing on an ongoing basis. So we just came up with.

Off course SEO is a process and it takes time. Improving your SEO activity is all about improvising and adopting to current trends. It has changed a lot in the last 10 years BTW.

Appreciate your inputs. We will see how to make these better in a helpful manner.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Actually the real basis of SEO has not changed one little bit since it became part of the Internet psyche, useless 'techniques' have come and gone over the twenty plus years that Search has been around and evolving, some took longer than others to die off, some are dead but refuse to lie down and fade from memory.

Search engines have one goal, that is to show the best documents that can be found to match their users query, and to that end they spend a lot of time and money defeating the efforts of web marketing "experts" wanting to simply make it appear that their website provides that.


New Member
Basics of SEO have remained the same. There are several myths going around but its till the same in terms of basics.