Review my Online Store


New Member
I'm a web designer and you can call me John Doe.

Some things to work on:

- Logo
- Too much top/bottom margin in between Divs
- The background is too bland, add some texture.


Its not bad, not much to it though design a more catch logo, images look nice but you need more content. There's just nothing really to say about it... nothing that makes me say wow, not a lot of creativity... idk its just like an "eh... its ok" site.
Not bad and I like the imagery and slideshows but I have a few ideas to work on. I'm not an expert designer myself so I'll speak mostly about the navigation and layout.
  1. On my laptop I use 1366x768 resolution and on your home page, it is not obvious that the business profile and contact details follow the slideshow and welcome message. I have to scroll down to see them at all. So you might want to remove some of the gray space so at least the top of these areas show. You might even want to combine the welcome message and action button with the business profile, and change the contact details to a horizontal layout.
  2. Also on my screen, your map seems to be cut off at the bottom and it does not scroll. It may work better to access this map from the main Shopping page, where that big "Order Now" box takes a lot of room and has no functionality. I can only see half of your nice accordion images feature without scrolling. And I think you could eliminate the heading "Customer Dashboard" and just use "Store Navigation". In fact, why not just rearrange things, move the map to this page, and then you could have all the store navigation on one page. I like the breadcrumbs section you have included on this page.
  3. In the shopping cart item list, there is an image at the far left that is not being displayed.
  4. Relating to #1, seems your contact form, FAQ, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use (heading says Terms of Service) could be displayed without the slideshow and welcome message. As in #1, I can't see the content of these without scrolling.
  5. I tried an order and checked out and tried the contact form and didn't see any problems.
Overall - nice work, visually very pleasing! You can use my name, Bill Weems, and my occupation as web designer/technical specialist.