Review and Suggestions required, please! :o)


New Member

I made a site for people to post their used irish dance dresses for a fee.

There are a number of sites like this out there, but some are hideous to look at, have no search functions ect... so i took elements and ideas from those that are currently online, and also took some ideas from existing sites like ebay ect to create the site.

This is the site as it is now:

and ive attached some screen captures of the new design im working on.

My question is what is wrong with the site? Ive read allot about "calls to action" where you basically TELL your visitors what you want them to do. In this case the aim is to make some money from the fees people pay to list. But this is only a % of the sites function. It needs to be easy for people to find and communicate with the sellers too. Is my "call to action" not obvious enough? Is there something wrong with my nav layout?

If you click the following link youll see that i created a comparison chart using details from some of the most used sites online. My question is, what are they doing right, that i may be doing wrong?

If my site cost them a maximum of say $15.00 to list a dress and another that uses standard HTML where the site owner adds and removes listings manually charges $30.00, why would someone add a listing to the most expensive and feature starved site over mine?

Granted the site is only a year old, but ive advertised in niche magazines and used google... but people are still drawn to the more expensive site that offers NO features AT ALL!

Some ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



  • USD-home.jpg
    50.6 KB · Views: 40
  • USD-search.jpg
    45.5 KB · Views: 76


New Member
Are you getting traffic? Do you appear in the results page when people search for whatever that you are ranking, and do you appear along the other website? meaning, do people see the other website and yours back to back and then still choose the other one?

Perhaps the other site has better reputation. Contact somebody listing in the other site and ask, ask and ask until somebody responds


New Member
I really have to see you google analytics to comment on how the traffic is behaving. Do you have goal set in your GA for some visitor action?

The call to action page should clear states the unique message you site services. You can create 3 landing pages with call to action and use google optimizer to test which are best converting pages on your website.