Resizable graphic challenge

One Step

New Member
I'd like to design a page that on the right side would have a column of say 3 or more entry boxes in which a user would enter sizes or variables. On the left side of the screen, you would have a graphic that would change according to the variables. Say something simple, like a red cube that is 2"w x 2"h x 2"d. You change it to 2"w x 10"h x 2"d and enter the color purple and the the cube would change it's size and color accordingly. The cube wouldn't have to be 3d (although drawn in a 3d perspective view). Does anyone know what you would use to accomplish this?

Better yet, does anyone know how to do this?

New Member
One Step,

I had this tutorial for a long time in my bookmarks, it's basicly a tutorial of how to make a UI to control the text size. If you play with the settings you should be able to accomplish the same effect with random <div> etc.

Good luck! Let me know if it was usefull to you.