Remove subdomain from url


New Member
Does anyone know a good way to this?
FIrst first get the current URL (which always contains a subdomain) then remove the subdomain and display the result?

For Example, turn this:
<a href ="">Link</a>

into this:
<a href ="">Link</a>

I've been experimenting but haven't found a good solution yet that keeps the subdirectory part of the domain intact


New Member
Do you mean you want to redirect users from to ? If so are you using Apache?

Or do you simply want to remove the subdomain? Here's how to do that in PHP, but I can't see how it would be a valid link. Apache mod_rewrite is probably what your looking for as I said above. Anyway if you simply want to change the appearance of the link here's a function in PHP i wrote a while back, I have alltered it to your needs:

 * remove_subdomain
 * Accurately calculates the URL and
 * removes the subdomain, with
 * support for https and different ports.
 * @access public
 * @return string
function remove_subdomain(){





        return $url;

The above function will return the url minus the subdomain, but it wont work properly if you execute it when its not in the subdomain. You call it like this:

echo $url;


New Member
Worked perfectly!

Thank you so much!
I cant do it in Apache, because I don't want every url to drop the subdomain. Just for certain links on the page that are generated by my cms, which is installed on the subdomain.

I have one more question:

How would you take that domain (minus the subdomain)
and use it in a header redirect.

header('Location: $url');