Reindexing a page


New Member
Hi Guys,

I added a "noindex" tag on one of my website pages, not surprisingly the page got dropped from the google index, how do i get the page reindexed?


New Member
2 more suggestions: (if you are not already using them)

Register for google webmaster tools (

Use a sitemap (XML version) as well. This can be very useful as you can physically submit it to google in real time (via webmaster tools) and point the googlebot to your site.


New Member
Hi! I am new to seo world and needs to learn more. I have problem in reindexing my site page. I used a tool to check the last cached date of my site and it's Oct. 22, 2010. I have made some changes on meta title and description of my home page two days ago but until now the title doesn't changed.

Is there any way to make the spider crawl our site frequently and index it? Please help me with this problem.
hmmm, this is a relevant topic that has been bothering me these past few days.. good thing I didn't have to put up a new thread for my trouble.. It was answered in this thread.. thanks a lot guys! you all are helpful!